5/11/18 Forest Ridge Forerunner

Important Dates
15  Field Day
16  12:00 5th Grade Panoramic Picture
18  Articulation Day - Schools close 3 hours early - Dismissal starts at 12:35
19  Greenfest at Hammond High School Learn more
23  5th Grade Simulated Congressional Hearing
23  School Spirit Day "Red, White, and Blue Day"
24  School Spirit Day "Pajama Day"
31  6:30-8:00 FRES Enrichment Fair
6    Last Walk to School Day of the year
12  2:00 5th Grade Closing Ceremony (Two tickets issued per student)
15  Dismissal starts at 12:35 p.m.
18  Dismissal starts at 12:35 p.m.
19  Last Day of School (dismissal starts at 12:35 p.m.)

Be sure to check out Counselor's Corner for Eagle Egg winners from May 11!

From the Office

Parents/Guardians:  If you are moving soon or planning to move this summer, please notify us as soon as possible.  We are available to assist you with transitioning to your child's new school. Whether it be another HCPSS school, private school or to a school out of the HCPSS district, we are here to help. If you are transferring to another HCPSS school, our registrars will partner to make the transition as smooth as possible. Q4 Report Cards are mailed home to the address we have on file.  If you have an address change, bring your new residency documents to the front office and we will update your address in the system.  If you have any questions, call Rhonda Hill our Registrar.

Outdoor Recess Guidelines
The decision to go outside or stay inside for recess is the decision of the administrator at individual schools. The following are to be considered in determining if recess is to be held outside:

• Temperature and humidity
• Wind chill
• Heat index and air quality
• Age of students
• Length of time outdoors
• Adequacy of the children’s clothing
• Condition of the playground
• Falling precipitation (more than a sprinkle or mist)
• Thunder and lightning

Generally, it is assumed that students will be outside for recess when the temperature combined with the wind chill is not less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit or the heat index reading is less than 95. Please make sure your child comes to school dressed appropriately for the weather.   If your child has a condition which prevents his/her from going outside for recess or PE, please provide a doctor's note which lists the temperature limitations and the time frame for which the note applies.  Thanks for your help!

​Forest Ridge News...

From our GT Teachers
Please vote for your favorite Rube Goldberg Contraption, starting May 7, for the Community Favorite Award.  FRES has 3 machines in the contest this year.   It’s simple:
  1. Click this link to see the videos.
  2. From Monday, May 7 at 9 am through May 13 at 11:59 pm, watch the videos, then vote for your favorite. In order to place your vote, click on the word "VOTE" under the image of the team you want. 
Deadline to cast your vote is Sunday, May 13 at 11:59 pm. The team with the most votes wins the Community Favorite Award and will be recognized at the Celebration.

Field Day is going to be held on Tuesday, May 15th.  The rain date is Tuesday, May 22nd.  Adults are still needed to assist in supervising stations.  Volunteers for students in grades K-2 please join us from 9:30-11:30.  Volunteers for the 3rd through 5th graders are needed from 1:10-3:15.  Go on: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040d4da5a62eaa8-field and check out the event(s) y If you don’t want to miss out on a thing, please join us all day!  Click on Forest Ridge Field Day to volunteer.  All volunteers must have completed the HCPSS required volunteer and child abuse reporting training and turned in the certificate to Mrs. Jackson in the office before May 15th.  ALL visitors to the Forest Ridge campus must bring their ID and sign in at the main office.

This year, we would again like grades to attempt to wear one specific color on field day.  It is not necessary to purchase new clothing to match these colors.

5th grade will be blue.
4th grade will be yellow.
3rd grade will be white.
2nd grade will be blue.
1st grade will be yellow.
K will be white.

Please check for these things before sending children to school for field day:

  • A water bottle with the person’s name on it must be brought to the event
  • Appropriate attire to participate in physical activities at school
  • Sneakers on and tied
  • No necklaces, watches, bracelets, rings, dangly earrings, lanyards
  • Fitbits are allowed but you must know that they may get wet!
  • Sunscreen must be applied at HOME

Hats and sunglasses are permitted if they are labeled. Extra set of clothes for primary students is recommended.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact your child’s P.E. teacher prior to May 15th.

Need Help Finding Daycare?  Parents can visit http://www.marylandfamilynetwork.org/programs-services/locate for help in finding daycare


Link to News from the PTA President and about PTA Happenings


CAMP IMPROV- Summer comedy camp!
Session 1: July 9-13, Session 2: July 16-20, Director: Kathryn Carlsen, Centennial HS Theatre

Website: campimprov.org

This camp is all about the joy of jumping in and finding the funny. Listening, saying “yes, and,” collaboration and flexibility are key. Though there is a focus on the basics, students with prior improv experience will find an opportunity to strengthen their basic comedy muscles.

Grades 2-5: 9am-12pm.
Students will work on creativity and  teamwork through improv, storytelling, and clowning exercises. Students will perform a show at the end of the week featuring the skills that they learned.
Location: Camp Improv takes place at Centennial High School on the stage and in theatre room.
Cost: $195 includes a Camp Improv shirt
Performance: Students will perform on the Friday of the camp week at 7pm. All tickets to the show are complimentary!
Registration Due: June 1st. Returned check fee is $25.
Questions? Email Kathryn Carlsen at kcarlsen@hcpss.org
Camp Improv is supported by the Centennial High School Boosters. Visit campimprov.org for information and registration.

Please visit the Community News and Programs page at:
http://www.hcpss.org/community-news-and-programs/ for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.

Please note:  If the links don't work, simply copy and paste the URL into your browser.

Kennedy Krieger Institute may be able to help with your child's behavior problems.  Click here for more information.