Help us raise money to use for materials of instruction and staff support. Have you ever had a Bundtlet from Nothing Bundt Cakes? They are so yummy!
Here are the details:
Use the linked SALES FORM to sell to co-workers, friends and family.
Have them give you cash or write you a check for their purchases. (Make sure to check your math!)
All orders are due to the front office no later than December 10th.
When you turn in your order, it should include the order form and a check or money order made payable to Forest Ridge ES for the grand total that you collected from your sales.
Pick up will be in the front hall of the school on December 14th from 5 - 8pm.
The top two student fundraisers will win being “Principal for the Day” and “Assistant Principal for the Day.” This great day will include the students ordering a lunch of their choice, receiving a name badge and lanyard, assisting Mrs. Lannon and Ms. Pazornik throughout the day, and more!
Thank you in advance for supporting our school!