September 29, 2023 Forest Ridge Forerunner

  • To opt-in to HCPSS Text messages, text "YES" to 67587 from the device on which you would like to receive messages.
  • Be sure to click on the "Calendar" link at the top of our website for important dates throughout the school year.
  • Will your child be absent?  Email

Important Dates
October        2    Hearing & Vision Screenings for PreK, Kindergarten, and 1st grade (see below)
October      2-9  FRES Spiritwear Sale - View the flyer
October        5    PTA Meeting 7:00 p.m. in the Media Center  
October        9    Staff Development Day - no school for students
October      12    11:30-12:30 Parent Meet Up at Roggenart Bakery
October      12    Hispanic Heritage Night.  View the flyer in English & Spanish
Octrober    13    Hearing & Vision Screenings for PreK, Kindergarten, 1st grade (see below)
October      16    Joe Corbi’s Fundraiser ends
October      18    Maiwand Kabob Restaurant DAY - View the flyer
October      20    Staff Work Day - no school for students
October      28    Fall Fest
October      31    End of 1st marking period - schools close 3 hours early
November    2    PTA Meeting 7pm

View the HCPSS Calendar in English                
View the HCPSS Calendar in Spanish
View the HCPSS Calendar in Korean
View the HCPSS Calendar in Chinese

***Want to receive HCPSS text messages regarding weather-related closing info, late bus info, etc.?  You must opt-in.  Text "YES" to 67587 from the device on which you would like to receive messages.***

From our Administrators...

Forest Ridge Family and Friends,

Our 5th week of school was a great one and students worked hard learning new things. We are very proud of all our FRES students and staff for all the work they are doing. As we head into the month of October, we want to remind all parents/guardians to be checking on your child’s grades in Canvas. The county stopped the practice of sending home progress reports since we now use the grade book in Canvas, so it is important that you keep tabs on how things are going. The end of the first quarter of school is October 31 and report cards will be available in Synergy on November 8th.

Our next school spirit day is on Friday, October 6th and it is Crazy Hat Day! We are looking forward to seeing all the silly hats and taking some great pictures for the yearbook!

We hope you have a terrific weekend. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.

~ Mrs. Lannon & Ms. Pazornik

Forest Ridge News...

Spiritwear Sale - October 2-9 - View the flyer

Hispanic Heritage Night
Join us on October 12, 6:30-8:00 p.m., for a evening of celebration for Hispanic Heritage Month.  We will have samples of food, games, music, pinatas, and coloring tables!  View the flyer in English & Spanish.  We hope to see you there!

Vision and Hearing Screenings
Our Vision and Hearing Screenings are scheduled for Monday October 2nd 2023 and Friday October 13th, 2023. Screenings will be completed on students in PreK4, Kindergarten, 1st grade and all new students to Maryland Public Schools.  If your child wears glasses, please encourage them to bring them to school and wear them for the screenings.  Please see attached flyers for more information. English flyer   Spanish flyer

School Spirit Days for 23/24
We are excited to share our school spirit days calendar for the 23/24 school year! We hope this helps families plan ahead. There may be spirit days that pop up here and there based on activities that are going on in the building, but this calendar is what we will be following. You may want to print it out, put the dates on your personal calendar, hang it on the fridge - whatever works for you to remember these fun days!

From the PTA...Get More PTA Info at the PTA Website

Thank you for coming out to the Back to School Celebration and Movie night last week.  It turned out to be a beautiful evening.  Please be on the lookout for our next movie night.

Also, thank you to Mrs. Norris and all the families who joined us for the Watch D.O.G.S kick off event and Ice Cream Social.  We are all excited to have these male role models in the building soon.

PTA Monthly Meeting - October 5 at 7pm
Save the date for this monthly meeting in the media center.

Parent Meetup – October 12th
Are you a FRES parent with a flexible daytime schedule and would like to meet other FRES parents?  Mark your calendars for a casual hang-out at Roggenart Bakery in Savage Mill on Thursday, October 12th between 11:30 am – 12:30pm! We'll have a table reserved with a FRES sign so we can find each other.

Joe Corbi’s Sales Order Today!
Joe Corbi’s fundraiser is currently ongoing. A packet came home with your child with instructions to participate.  Money raised will be used to fund assemblies, field trips, and our community events but the children also have the opportunity to earn rewards for their saleswork!

Pickup for delivery will be on Saturday, November 18th in the afternoon.  Additional information will be forthcoming.

Maiwand Kabob (Maple Lawn) – Restaurant Fundraiser, October 18th ALL DAY
No Cook Wednesday!!  Visit Maiwand Kabob in Maple Lawn from 11am – 9:00pm and mention FRES.  This ensures FRES receives a percentage of your bill.  Click here to see flyer.

Fall Fest – Saturday, October 28th
Our Fall Fest committee is in the process of planning the haunted hallway, and fall festival activities. Do you have decorations we can borrow? Do you LOVE Halloween and want to help plan this event?   Please email

We are also taking donations for the candy trail.  Please send in any nut free candy, or other treats or toys with your child or drop it off in the car line starting October 9th!  Feel free to bring your donation to any FRES PTA Event.

PTA Monthly Meeting - November 2 at 7pm
Save the date for this monthly meeting in the media center.

In the Community...

HCPSS Community News and Programs Site: 
In response to community requests for resources, HCPSS’ new Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations.  Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at

HC Drug Free Events
Receive HC DrugFree's Free Newsletter: To receive HC DrugFree's free electronic newsletter packed with information for parents and opportunities for students, go to

Stay Informed about What’s Happening in Howard County: Sign up for HC DrugFree’s newsletter at to get updates on events as well as information to keep your family safe and informed.