June 9, 2023 Forest Ridge Forerunner


  • To opt-in to HCPSS Text messages, text "YES" to 67587 from the device on which you would like to receive messages.
  • Be sure to click on the "Calendar" link at the top of our website for important dates throughout the school year.
  • View the breakfast and lunch menus here.  Please keep in mind that items on the menus are subject to availability.
  • Will your child be absent?  Email fresabsence@hcpss.org.

Important Dates
June 12                        Schools close 3 hours early (12:45)
June 13                        Schools close 3 hours early (12:45)

June 13                      7:00 PTA Meeting - Dive Bar, Savage Mill.  View the flyer.
June 14                      Last Day of School!  Schools close 3 hours early (12:45)
June 25                      Last day to order school supply packages (deadline extended)

View the HCPSS Calendar in English
View the HCPSS Calendar in Spanish
View the HCPSS Calendar in Korean
View the HCPSS Calendar in Chinese

***Want to receive HCPSS text messages regarding weather-related closing info, late bus info, etc.?  You must opt-in.  Text "YES" to 67587 from the device on which you would like to receive messages.***

From Ms. Pazornik...

Good afternoon FRES Families, 
We had a great time celebrating our fifth graders today at their promotion ceremony.  We are so proud of them and all of their growth this year and throughout their time at FRES. They are officially ready for middle school!  Thank you to our staff and families for all the love and support.  We look forward to Monday when we will celebrate our Kindergarten students. Have a wonderful weekend, hope the smog dissipates soon, and we look forward to our remaining days together.


Ivye Pazornik, Assistant Principal

Forest Ridge News...

HCPSS is Serving Free Summer Meals to the Community!

Would You Like to Volunteer for Something You Can Do at Your Convenience?
Thank you to our wonderful volunteer who has been taking care of keeping our marquee sign updated for the last few years!  She and her children will be moving to a different school next year, so we are in need of a new volunteer.  You would keep the letters at home and choose important information (dates, etc.) from the Forerunner to post on the sign.  This can be done during the day, in the evening, or on the weekend.  Your children can even help!  Training will be provided.  Please email christin_traini@hcpss.org if you are interested.  Thanks!

From the Front Office - Moving/Moved?
Please help us keep our records up to date - If you are moving over the summer but staying within Howard County, please use this Address Change form and email it to rebecca_jackson@hcpss.org along with your new residency documents (deed or lease, plus utility bill). We can let you know if your child will stay at FRES or attend a school in a different district.  If you have moved or are moving out of Howard County, please use this Withdrawal Form and email it to rebecca_jackson@hcpss.org.  If you have media books, etc., that belong to HCPSS, please return them as soon as possible.

From the Media Center
The Public Librarians from Howard County Library came and spoke to students this week!  Summer reading game boards have been sent home with all students. Students can bring their game board into any Howard County library branch in June to get the kickoff prizes for the summer reading activities. There are multiple opportunities for prizes throughout the summer and a prize for all students who complete and turn in the game board (either on paper or online)!   If you want to catch a glimpse of your very own FRES Librarian over the summer—try stopping by the Savage Branch Library on Tuesday mornings at 10:00 to see Mrs. Tordella and you just might get a book recommendation or a quick read aloud!   Keep sending in those school library books! Have a great summer!

Important Message from the Health Room
If your student has medication stored in the Health Room, all medication will need to be picked up no later than the end of the school day on Wednesday June 14th.  Letters will be sent home with students who have medications here in the Health Room at FRES, so please be on the lookout and check their take home folders or backpacks.  Please make arrangements to pick up your student's medication BEFORE the last day of school.  Our Health Room is open during school hours and medication must be picked up by a parent/guardian or it will be disposed of by the end of the school day on Wednesday June 14th (12:45).  If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Health Room at 410-888-8811.

Learning Together Program – Prekindergarten
The Forest Ridge Regional Early Childhood Center (RECC) Pre-Kindergarten programs are preparing for classes for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.  Additional preschool classes have been added for children turning 3 by September 1st.  These classes include children with and without disabilities. The program’s focus is helping all children develop communication, literacy, math, problem solving, motor, and social skills.         

Parents of children who will be 3 by September 1st, learn more about the program by reviewing the Learning Together Program (LTP) Flyer (English).  

If you need assistance to complete the application, please contact Early Intervention Services at earlyinterventionservcies@hcpss.org or at 410-313-7017.

HCPSS is committed to providing instruction based on the statewide Early Learning Standards which are in alignment with Kindergarten Readiness. The fees listed in the application will be collected monthly.   If you have any additional questions, please contact Tricia Walls at tricia_walls@hcpss.org or 410-880-5950.

Summer Curriculum Resources
The elementary curriculum offices have compiled several activities and strategies for students to enhance their learning during the summer. The resource can be found on the Canvas Parent Pages linked below. Resources can be viewed by grade level and subject. Additional resources and suggestions can also be found on the Parent Pages. These resources include games, strategy instruction tips, field trip suggestions, and much more. Please feel free to share this information with your families.

Help for FRES Families in Need
We are starting a community support group at school, called Feathers for Families! Here are ways you can help ALL YEAR ‘ROUND:

  • Donate non-perishable food and toiletries (boxed and labeled “Feathers for Families”)
  • Donate clothing or shoes (bagged or boxed, labeled “Feathers for Families”)
  • Donate small toy/game/fun items for kids
  • Donate monetary amounts (listed above)

From the PTA...Get More PTA Info at the PTA Website

As we finish out this school year, we want to say THANK YOU! 

To our PTA/FRES Parents and guardians, we want to express our deep gratitude for the dedicated support and community that helps make all our events possible.

To our FRES Staff & Administration, Thank you for going the extra mile each and every day.  We appreciate you and hope you have a relaxing summer.

School of Excellence - Survey
We are continuing our participation in the National PTA School of Excellence program to grow our family-school partnerships and enrich the educational experience and overall well-being of all students in our community. As part of the process, National PTA requests feedback from families, administrators and teachers at two points in the school year—the beginning and the end. The survey responses from October were useful in setting focus areas for our FRES PTA.

Now it is time for our end of year survey and we need your help! We are proud of what our FRES community has accomplished so far, and kindly ask for your feedback once again. Your responses will not only help us show the impact of our programming but will also provide your perspective as we plan priorities for next school year! Please take 5-10 minutes to reflect on your experience this past school year and complete the survey before Tuesday, June 13th!

Link to survey in English: https://forms.gle/d7xXc8dzTWBUpAT8A   Link to survey in Spanish: https://forms.gle/7Jr7Mb19ZPuQ4ubu9

PTA Meeting – June 13th Dive Bar
Join us for the last PTA meeting of the school year at Dive Bar in Savage at 7pm.  View the flyer here.  This will also be our volunteer “thank you” event.  Appetizers will be provided; however, drinks are on your own.  Childcare will not be available for this meeting.

School Supply Packs
The deadline for purchasing school supply packs has been extended to June 25.  SHOP NOW for your 2023-24 school supplies. Avoid the stores and get all your school supply shopping done online. EPI school supply packs contain all the items and brands our teachers require. Not only is this convenient for you, but it is a fundraiser to help our school. Order now with our School ID of  FOR153    (3 letters/3 numbers) Link: https://www.educationalproducts.com/ShopPacks

In the Community...

HCPSS Community News and Programs Site: 
In response to community requests for resources, HCPSS’ new Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations.  Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit community-programs.hcpss.org for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at publicinfo@hcpss.org.

HC Drug Free Events
Receive HC DrugFree's Free Newsletter: To receive HC DrugFree's free electronic newsletter packed with information for parents and opportunities for students, go to https://hcdrugfree.org/enews-signup/

Stay Informed about What’s Happening in Howard County: Sign up for HC DrugFree’s newsletter at https://hcdrugfree.org/enews-signup/ to get updates on events as well as information to keep your family safe and informed.