Hello, FRES Families! February is already here and there are several opportunities that need advance registration to participate!

FRES Spring Musical Drama Club Starts Wednesday, February 15th
The PTA has partnered with the Columbia Center for Theatrical Arts (CCTA) to bring High School Musical JR. to FRES students. This class will meet weekly on Wednesdays after-school until 5:00 pm beginning February 15th (no class 3/15 & 4/5) and culminate with a full stage show on Wednesday, May 10th at 7 pm.  Each class will be led by a Professional Actor and a Musical Director from CCTA.  Our great tuition rate includes: a t-shirt, props, costumes, pizza party, and scene by scene multi-casting so that everyone has a chance to be a star.  Please note that on mobile devices, the FRES registration “button” is BELOW our name and time listing.

Howard County Parks & Recreation Programs at FRES
Several before and after school programs being offered at FRES by Howard County Parks & Rec begin in February! Classes include art, music, and basketball! To find out more details, please review the flier. To create a Parks & Rec account and register, please visit:

FRES Family Paint Night with Ms. Allen on Tuesday, February 28th
Join the Art Department and PTA for a family paint night.  Each canvas is $12 and profits from this event will go directly to the Art Department.  Each attendee will be led in painting a snowy penguin scene. To prepare for participants, the registration deadline is Friday, February 17th; register here 

FRES Culture Fest, February 24th

PTA Culture Fest at 6:30

Did you know that 28 different languages are spoken by our amazing families at FRES? Just imagine learning so much more about our wonderfully diverse community and experiencing the food, music, and more from so many countries! Would YOU and your student like to share your community with our FRES family?  Registration deadline is February 15th.

To sign up to participate click here:

To volunteer during the event, please click here.

Please email Khaleda Hasan at to join our committee or to share your ideas!