October 16, 2020 Forest Ridge Forerunner

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Important Dates

October 20, 21, 22   4:00-6:00 Wellness kit pickup in the car loop

November 3            Schools and Offices closed

November 6            Schools close 3 hours early (Details will be sent)

November 16          Quarter 1 Report Cards Issued

November 24-25     Parent Teacher Conferences (Details will be sent)

From the FRES Administration...

Good afternoon FRES Community,

We had a great week of virtual learning this week and it’s been so nice for us to get into so many classes and see our students engaged in learning.  Everyone is getting so much better with using the technology; however, there have been some instances where a teacher’s internet connection goes out and they get kicked out of the Google Meet.  When that happens our teachers reach out to another staff member to come to the Google Meet.  Please tell your students to be patient and another staff member will be joining the meet ASAP. 

Please Help HCPSS Plan for Possible Hybrid In-Person Instruction; Survey Open Through 4 p.m., October 23

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HCPSS and Board of Education are evaluating possibilities for a hybrid instructional model for the second semester, beginning February 1, 2021, which could include opportunities for in-person instruction. A hybrid model could provide an option for parents/guardians to send their child to school part of the week and learn virtually for the remainder of the week. 

At this time, HCPSS is seeking to understand families’ intentions regarding sending their students back to school, if that option becomes available, or continuing fully virtual learning. Please see directions below for accessing this questionnaire. Additionally, it is crucial for planning to know if students who qualify to receive bus service would use it. Parent/guardian response is not a commitment for the second semester; you will be able to change your decision when plans for second semester are finalized. Please complete the form by 4 p.m., Friday, October 23. Contact your school if you require assistance completing the form.

To complete the form:

  1. Log in to HCPSS Connect

  2. Select More Options from the left panel

  3. Select Intent to Participate in Hybrid In-Person Instruction from the middle of the page

  4. Complete the questions in the form for each child and select “Save”

MAP Scores

Thanks to all families for assisting with getting your students logged in for MAP testing.  If you missed one of the days of testing, make ups will be offered this Wednesday, 10/21 at either 9:00, 10:30, 1:00, or 2:30.  Please use the code fresmap and have your student log in at one of those times.  Detailed MAP scores will be available in Synergy in November after the window closes.  If you are interested in seeing your child’s scores, please use this link

Media Matters and Tech Tidbits

  • Battle of the Books- Attention all fifth grade parents. Your students heard presentations this week in their Media class about the reading competition, Battle of the Books sponsored by HCPL and HCPSS. There is a ZOOM information session on Oct. 20th at 7pm and registration for the competition begins on Oct. 23rd. We encourage you to register on Oct. 23rd to secure your spot. Last year, FRES had over 8 teams. Can we get even more this year? For complete information, please visit http://hclibrary.org/new-a-main/battle-of-the-books/ 

  • Digital Citizenship Week starts Monday, October 19th.  Common Sense Media is a reputable website that has up-to-date information on timely topics such as reviews for age-appropriate apps and games, recommended social media guidelines, parental controls, and much more.  If you’d like more information about these very important topics, this is a great place to start!

  • Congratulations to Elijah K. for completing the Summer Reading Program. Way to go! If your student completed the summer reading program, please complete the  SUMMER READING Survey.

Canvas Calendar Update
Students can now view up to 20 calendars within Canvas! There are a variety of views of the calendar (month, week, and agenda).  We encourage students and families to explore the best setting for them.  Learn more about the Canvas Calendar.

School Meals A stopgap U.S. government funding bill signed into law last Thursday, which includes almost $8 billion in nutrition assistance, allows USDA to extend the meal waivers, previously due to expire at the end of December, through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Thus, HCPSS will be able to provide meals at no cost to any HCPSS student, and all children 18 and under, through the entire school year, assuming continued availability of USDA funding.     Beginning Monday, October 12, HCPSS will add a snack and dinner to each weekday meal, in addition to breakfast and lunch already being served. Additionally, weekend meals will be included with meals provided on Fridays, and in pre-ordered meals picked up on Thursdays.   HCPSS also has adjusted the pre-order process. Meals for multiple days need to be pre-ordered at least two days in advance for pickup on Mondays and Thursdays. Pre-order meal pickups will be offered only on those two days, to enable Food and Nutrition Services to improve service and efficiency while balancing staffing and food resources.   Full details on HCPSS student meal offerings can be found online.

From Mrs. Schuck, our School Counselor

Couldn't come by during the day to pick up a wellness kit?  I'll be in the car loop on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (October 20, 21, and 22) from 4:00-6:00 p.m. for evening pickup!

Please come by to wave from afar! Don't forget your mask! 

Thinking of you, 
Your Counselor, Ms. Schuck

From the PTA...

Hi FRES Families,

As you may have seen, the FRES PTA is hosting a drive through Halloween event on Friday, Oct. 30 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. FRES PTA will be giving away 100 FREE pumpkins to be carved by FRES families to be used in the display. Here are the steps:

  1. Reserve your pumpkin here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fres-pumpkin-pick-up-tickets-125649979471

  2. Pick up your pumpkin on Sunday, Oct. 25 from 1-3 p.m. 

  3. Carve your pumpkin and drop it off at the school on Oct. 30 before 5 p.m.

  4. Drive through the display on Oct. 30 between 6:30-8:30 p.m. to see all of the carved pumpkins and get a treat at the end. 

Please contact president@frespta.org with any questions.

Thanks to the volunteers who have helped distribute the Wellness Kits this week at meal pick up!  Three afternoon pick up dates have been set for Wellness Kit pick up next week (October 20, 21, & 22) from 4-6 p.m. We could use a volunteer for each of the time slots to help Ms. Schuck distribute them. Sign up at http://tiny.cc/freswellness

Future General PTA Meetings (Via Zoom): November 9, December 14, January 11, February 8, March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14

Membership Update: We are now up to 61 members! This is a great start. FRES families, staff, and community members can join at www.frespta.org/join

Thanks so much and have a great weekend!