Oct. 4, 2019 Forest Ridge Forerunner

Important Dates:
4    6:00-7:00  Kindergarten Playdate
7    Joe Corbi’s Fundraiser Ends
9   Yom Kippur (Schools and Offices Closed)
10  6:30 Watch Dog Pizza Kickoff
16  Chick-fil-A Spirit Day (Johns Hopkins Road location)
18  Professional Work Day (No school for students)
18  7:00-9:00 PTA Skate Night, Laurel Roller Skating Center
23  Spirit Night at Savage Library - View flyer here
23  Staff  Luncheon during all lunch periods
25  7:00 PTA Movie Night
26  7:00-9:00 PTA Halloween Dance
29  9:15 Fall Picture Retakes (see below)
      4:30 to 9 Red Hot and Blue PTA Restaurant Night

Chick-fil-A Spirit Days this year will be on October 16, December 11, and March 18.  Proceeds will help to defray the cost of 4th and 5th grade field trips.

Student News...

Prize Patrol
Congratulations to our latest group of Eagle Egg winners:
Dahlia A., Abner S., Grace A., Janette D., Ester L., Caroline M.

Class Winner: Ms Zemlak Keep up the great work!

Schedule for our MAP Testing:

Grade 1:  10/21 & 10/22 @ 10:00 AM

Grade 2:  10/8 & 10/10 @ 9:30 AM

Grade 3:  10/16 & 10/17 @ 1:00 PM

Grade 4: 10/15 & 10/16 @ 9:30 AM

Grade 5: 10/11 & 10/14 @ 1:30 PM

If your child is absent on the day that his/her class tests, a make-up test will be given.  For more information regarding MAP testing, click here.

Forest Ridge News...

Picture Re-take Day
Picture re-take day will be Tuesday, October 29.  Our original picture day was September 10.  Students new to our school since that date and those who were absent on September 10 will have their picture taken.  Parents may have photos re-taken if they are not happy with the original picture.  If you want your child's picture re-taken, you must return the entire original package of pictures.  For more information, see the flyers below:

Forest Ridge-FALL 2019 Retake Day.pdf 
Fall 2019 Flier-Envelope .pdf

  October 23rd there will be a Spirit Night at Savage Library!  See flyer for more information:

Walk to School Day
WHEN: Friday, October 11th, 8:40 am.  This is a RAIN OR SHINE event!!  Check the forecast and BE PREPARED!! ONLY in the event of thunder/lightning will the event be cancelled.  Walking will begin at 8:50 am. Parents and families are encouraged to walk with us.  

WHY: To encourage healthy habits, promote our commitment to fitness, and to show school spirit by wearing blue and yellow!

WHERE: Any student who wishes to walk from Savage Library must be signed in by an adult at the library parking lot between 8:40 and 8:50 am on October 11th.  Students may walk from any neighborhood, not just the Savage Library!  Those who are walking from the library without their parents must have a signed permission slip:  Walk to School Letter 2019.pdf 

Bus riders may participate by walking around the blacktop before entering the building.
Before Care students make take their laps around the blacktop as the buses arrive.

From the Reading Team

Calling all FRES Families! That's right- grandparents, aunts, uncles and older siblings, too! The Reading Team is in search of family members, ages 21 and older, to volunteer! We have a range of activity options, from reading one-on-one with children or playing letter, sound, and sight word games, to helping with organizing and sorting books.   If you are interested, please follow this link to complete an interest survey, and a member of the Reading Team will be in touch soon!   Please send any additional questions to Ms. Darden at nikia_darden@hcpss.org.

Cell Phones
Students in elementary school do not need cell phones.  If students need to contact their parent during the school day, they may use the phone in the front office.  If a student brings a cell phone to school it must remain off in their back packs while on school property. 

Changes to the Elementary Report Card--Learning Behaviors
Beginning this school year, you will see changes to the Learning Behaviors section of the HCPSS report card. These changes are in alignment with the updated Elementary Grading and Reporting Policy.  Please use this link to learn more about Policy 8010: https://www.hcpss.org/policies/8000/8010-grading-reporting-pre-kindergarten-grade-five/.

Learning Behaviors are learned actions that enable students to access learning and interact with others productively in the community. These behaviors are developed in and outside of school. Additionally, Learning Behaviors help with understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining positive relationships, and making responsible decisions that are essential life skills. The learning behaviors also complement the curriculum content taught in the elementary grades and are a natural part of learning about oneself while interacting with others.  These new learning behaviors were collaboratively developed with teachers, administrators, curriculum staff, and parent advisory committees.

Please use this link https://www.hcpss.org/academics/learning-behaviors/ to learn more about the Learning Behaviors.

Use this link for information in Spanish.

Free and Reduced Meals Program
HCPSS participates in the Free and Reduced Meals (FARMs) program.  Students (PreK-12) who meet the federal income guidelines are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals. Applications are available on-line or in paper forms. A new application needs to be submitted each year.  Please complete the application (Spanish and English) as soon as possible to avoid delays in your student receiving a meal. Go to http://www.hcpss.org/food-services/farms/

Family File We are now up to 92% of our families who have completed their Family File. Parents must update their student’s Emergency Card via the Family File on the HCPSS Connect each year.  If you have not completed your Family File, please visit: https://www.hcpss.org/connect/

NOTE:  We have a number of field trips coming up this year.  If we do not have an updated family file for your child, he or she will not be permitted to attend since we won't have updated emergency information

PTA News...

Happy Friday FRES families!

Hope everyone enjoyed the unseasonably warm weather this week!  I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for layers, leaves turning colors, and getting our Halloween costumes ready!

Thank you to all the parents and admin who were able to attend our second PTA meeting!  At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Vaughn-Smith lead a great Parent Information Session on Social & Emotional Learning (SEL) and a community circle activity.  We learned about the importance of SEL and concrete examples of how it’s being used at FRES to help our children learn ways to express their emotions and interact with others appropriately.  The presentation link and the latest PTA committee updates are available in the meeting minutes.

Our Joe Corbi’s fundraiser is coming to an end next week.  Please submit all final orders by Monday, October 7th.  Frozen items will be delivered during the week of November 4th and will be available for pick up in the evening.

Also, next week on Thursday, October 10th at 6:30pm is the Watch D.O.G.S kick-off event!  The PTA is partnering with the school again this year on this awesome program to increase the presence of male role models in our schools.  Dads, and other adult male role models, are all welcome to bring their FRES children for a night of pizza and fun!  After dinner, children will enjoy activities while the “dads” will have a chance to learn more about the program and training.

Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend!

Khaleda Hasan, FRES PTA President

More from the PTA

After School Activities
The PTA sponsors several after school activities to add to the choices offered by HoCo Parks and Recreation and other organizations.  Some classes are in danger of being cancelled if enrollment is too low.  There are still spots open for the following classes that begin next week or the following week: Pongos Coder Kids Club (Register now enter password: eaglesoar),  I'm the Chef Too - STEAM Edible Creations (Register now), and Spanish - Language and Culture Club (Register now).

Parent/guardian volunteers can receive half-price or free tuition if they volunteer to help in the classes.  Email Monaca Noble at kojothecat@gmail.com or Korin Sharp at iamkorin@gmail.com with questions or to volunteer

Staff Appreciation Luncheon
FRES PTA loves supporting our teachers and staff.  Para-educators enjoyed their breakfast treats last month.  Thank you to the generous parents who donated treats!  The committee received a generous donation and was able to put a goody bag of $1.50 in each staff member’s cubby for the vending machine, as a treat on Back to School Night. 

The next luncheon for teachers and staff is on October 23rd (date change from the 24th).  Please sign up for the October luncheon if you can and show our teachers some love with treats!

Summer Activity (Math) Worksheets - Prizes
This year, 58 students turned in math worksheets, compared to 37 in 2018!!  Way to go!  The students will receive a prize from the PTA in the next few weeks.

Halloween Dance Party – October 26th
Flyers to purchase tickets for the Halloween Dance Party will go out next week.  The event features a haunted hallway (appropriate for even for our younger students), a professional DJ, and games!!

Harris Teeter - Grocery Rewards Spotlight
FRES PTA coordinates the Harris Teeter’s Together in Education Program to help raise funds for our school.  It’s easy and it’s FREE. Simply give the cashier our code, 7900, and your VIC card when you check out, and your card will be linked for the entire school year.  That’s it!

Note: you do have to link your VIC card once at the beginning of each school year, so please remember do re-link your card if you haven’t done so since August. Thank you for your support!

Forest Ridge Elementary School PTA

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Community News...

Howard County families can get free coats, gloves, hats and scarves on two dates:

Need help finding daycare? 
LOCATE: Child Care is here to help.  LOCATE: Child Care at Maryland Family Network is a free service funded through a grant by The Maryland State Department of Education which is provided to people seeking child care in Maryland.  Visit marylandfamilynetwork.org for more information.

Daycare Provider in Our District

Christine's Family Daycare

Food Truck Friday Flyers
Attached are the flyers for Food Truck Fridays for October and November:
Emerson Food Truck Fridays -October 2019 Schedule-1.png 
Emerson Food Truck Fridays -November 2019 Schedule.png 

From the Hammond High School Homecoming Committee
We would like to invite clubs, teams, and organizations from our feeder schools to participate in the Hammond High School Homecoming Parade. It will take place October 12, at 10 am. Interested groups please contact marijke.mcmillan@gmail.com.

Individuals and groups are also invited join us for the rest of our homecoming festivities.   Pancake breakfast tickets are available at the door or through the Hammond High School Boosters website:  https://www.memberplanet.com/events/hammondhighschoolboosters/pancakebreakfasthomecoming Football tickets can be purchased at the gate. View the Homecoming schedule here:
Hammond Homecoming 2019.png 

Emmanuel United Methodist Church Community Recycling & Bikes for the World donation event 9:00 a.m. to Noon, in the church parking lot at 10755 Scaggsville Road, Laurel, MD  20723.
Items accepted:  Bikes, bike parts, safety helmets, sewing machines, eyeglasses, styrofoam, electronics (any condition, no TVs please), rechargeable batteries, packing material.  Goodwill donations accepted as well.

Savage Volunteer Fire Company Fire Prevention Open House, noon to 4:00 p.m. 8521 Corridor Road, Savage, MD 20763. 
Vehicle extraction demonstration, fire station & apparatus tours, meet Sparky the Dog & Smokey the Bear, face painting, moon bounce, games, giveaways/literature, bake sale, hot dogs & drinks.

STEAM Night at the Museum
View the flyer here:  STEAM Night at the Museum.pdf 

Ralph Waldo Emerson Poetry Award
Check out the flyer here:Poetry Contest Entry Form.pdf 

National School Lunch Week Art Competition
Check out the flyer here:National School Lunch Week Art Contest Entry