June 26, 2020 Forest Ridge Forerunner

Fri, 06/26/2020 - 11:47am

Dates to Remember

July 3 - Independence Day Holiday (Observed)

FRES News and Events...

From Nurse Kay in the Health Room
As doctor's and dentist's offices reopen I ask that if your child has an appointment please print and have the medical provider complete these important health forms that are linked here.  

Also linked are forms for parent input about certain medical conditions.  Please view and complete if they pertain to your child.

Medication Forms are available at this link as well.  These forms must be dated after July 1, 2020.

These numerous health forms do help Ms. Nowell and myself know your child better so that we can care for them to the best of our ability while they are at school and away from home.  

Thank you for your time and effort in completing these forms. 

Completed forms can be emailed to me at margaret_morris@hcpss.org or faxed to 443-973-5545 during the building closure.

Wishes for a fun and safe summer!

Nurse Kay and Ms. Nowell

We are still wishing happy birthday to our FRES students during this new distance learning phase! Select this link for this past week's celebrations!

From the PTA...

Hello FRES families!!

The FRES PTA is pleased to announce its new candidates for the board next school year. 

President - Korin Sharp
1st Vice President - Vacant
2nd Vice President - Vacant
Treasurer - Monaca Noble
Corresponding Secretary - Naeemah Staggs
Recording Secretary - Faith Lahmon-Martin
PTACHC Delegates - Lloyd Collier and Lauren Giles

All registered PTA members are invited to cast a voice vote in person at the Emerson HOA parking lot (8400 Upper Sky Way, Laurel, MD 20723) on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 7 p.m.  We will need a quorum of nine members to make the election official.  So, please come out and vote.  Please wear masks, and bring your own folding chairs.

There are vacancies for three board positions.  If you’re willing to serve in these roles, simply come to the meeting, and you can nominate yourself from the floor.  Or, contact us in advance by email to express your interest.

Have a great weekend!

Khaleda Hasan
FRES PTA President

Box Tops -Last call!
FRES PTA will be collecting one final set of Box Tops to submit. Please contact Lauren Giles at boxtops@frespta.org to arrange drop off by this weekend if you have some Box Tops that expire soon!

End-of-the-year staff gift ideas
We would like to give a HUGE shoutout to our teachers, staff, and admin at FRES!  They’ve worked so hard over the past several months to pivot their instruction and make sure every student has access to technology to be able to continue to learn.  We have a few suggestions on ways you can thank them!

  • Send a video through Canvas!  Teachers and staff love seeing their students’ adorable faces and will miss them so much over the summer!  It can be as simple as saying “Thank you! Have a great summer!”  You can record the video and upload it OR you can use the record feature directly.
  • Send a thank you note by email.  Check here for staff email addresses: http://fres.hcpss.org/school-staff
  • Send an electronic gift card!  Under normal circumstances, families get to send in a physical token of our appreciation to our children’s teachers with our children to school.  Since schools are still closed, another great and easy option is to send a gift card (e.g., for Target, Amazon, etc.).  Teachers have had to set up at home, as have many working parents, and this is a great chance for them to offset some of those expenses.  Please remember there is guiding policy with a $25 max per child per teacher.  The e-gift cards can be send to staff email addresses.  These are a few of their favorite things.

If you ordered a yearbook, you should have received them by now.  I ordered a few extra copies of the yearbook in case anyone missed the order deadline.  They are available for $27.49 on a first come, first serve basis.  Please email Khaleda Hasan at president@frespta.org to arrange for payment and pickup.

The FRES staff wishes you a very happy, safe, and healthy summer!  Remember to read, read, read!