March 1 PTA Read-A-Thon Begins
March 9 Daylight Saving Time Begins - clocks turn ahead 1 hour
March 13 6:00-7:15 Family Paint Night
March 14 Professional Work and Wellness Day - schools close 3 hours early (12:15)
March 20 6:30 PTA General Membership Meeting – FRES Media Center
March 26 6:15-7:45 Health & Wellness Fair
March 31 Professional Work Day - schools closed for students
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- Want to receive HCPSS text messages regarding weather-related closing info, late bus info, etc.? You must opt-in. FRES parents will need to opt-in from the phone that receives messages on the number we have on file for them. Text YES to 67587.
- Will your child be absent? Email
From Our Administrators...
Dear Forest Ridge Families,
Today marks the beginning of Ramadan, a sacred month observed by Muslims around the world. During this time, many in our community will engage in fasting from dawn to sunset, prayer, reflection, and acts of kindness. Ramadan is a time of spiritual growth, gratitude, and generosity, and it concludes with the celebration of Eid al-Fitr, a joyous holiday of community and giving.
To all who are observing, we wish you a Ramadan Mubarak—may this month bring you peace, strength, and many blessings.
As always, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive school environment. If your child is observing Ramadan and has any specific needs during the school day, please feel free to complete THIS Google form.
Warm regards,
Mrs. Lannon and Ms. Pazornik
Forest Ridge News...
Girls on the Run Registration is Open!
Registration for Girls on the Run Spring 2025 Season is open! Girls on the Run® inspires participants in grades 3-5 to be joyful, healthy, and confident by using running to teach valuable life skills. Volunteer coaches facilitate lessons that blend physical activity with life skill development, including managing emotions, fostering friendships, and expressing empathy. At the end of the season, the team completes a Community Impact Project and a 5K together, which provides a tangible sense of accomplishment and sets a confident mindset into motion. Forest Ridge GOTR will meet on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15pm - 4:45pm starting March 18. The season-ending 5K for Howard County will be on Saturday, May 31 at 8:00 a.m. The program registration fee is $185, which includes lessons, all program materials, 5K and program shirts, a water bottle, and more. Financial assistance is available! Visit to register. Questions? Call 443-864-8593.
It’s Time to Register for Kindergarten!
Online Registration is open for new students or students entering public school kindergarten in the fall 2025, (school year 25-26). Forest Ridge will begin scheduling appointments once the online registration is complete the week of March 3, 2025. Please help get the word out to your neighbors. It is critical to staffing as our enrollment numbers determine our staffing.
Kindergarten is mandatory in Maryland. State law requires that children entering kindergarten in the fall of 2025 must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2025. Children entering first grade in the fall of 2025 must be 6 years old on or before September 1, 2025. For details about registration and enrollment, visit Parents or guardians are to register students at the school currently serving the address where the child’s parent or legal guardian resides. Parents may check the School Locator and School Transportation link on the school system website,
The parent or guardian must provide the following information at the time of registration:
• The child’s evidence of birth
• An authorized record of immunizations
• Proof of residency in the form of a lease or deed and a utility bill
• Photo ID of the parent/guardian
• Proof of custody
Please contact Rebecca Jackson if you have any questions regarding enrollment, 410-880-5950.
Paint Night - New Date March 13
Paint Night has been postponed until March 13. If you purchased tickets they will be honored for the March date. See more PTA News section for more information.
Learning Together Program
The FRES Early Childhood classes are making preparations for the 2025-26 school year and are accepting applications for general education students to participate as peers through the Learning Together Program (LTP). These classes include general education and special education students. The program’s focus is helping all children develop communication, literacy, math, problem solving, motor, and social skills. Parents of children who will be 3 by September 1, 2025, applications are available now.
In alignment with Maryland’s Blueprint for the Future, new LTP applications for students turning 4 by September 1 will not be available. HCPSS continues to offer Prekindergarten for income eligible children who will be 4 years old by September 1. For additional information contact the school or visit: .
HCPSS is committed to providing instruction based on the statewide Early Learning Standards which are in alignment with Kindergarten Readiness. The fees listed in the application will be collected monthly. If you have any additional questions , please contact Jen Black at or (410) 880-5950.
From the ChildFind Office
Attention Parents of Rising Kindergarteners: Don't Wait for Summer to Address Developmental Concerns!
If you have concerns about your child's development - whether it's their speech, motor skills, social skills or learning - it's important to act now. Waiting until the summer for a referral can delay crucial support that your child may need before starting kindergarten.Contact us today to schedule a screening. Let's work together to ensure your child has the best possible start in kindergarten! Call 410-313-7046 or email
WatchDOGS Sign Up Link
Interested in being a WatchDOG? Sign up here.
From the PTA...Get More PTA Info at the PTA Website
It’s time to “March into Reading”!!! March is national reading month and to celebrate the FRES PTA is sponsoring a Read-A-Thon from March 1st – March 15th. Read-A-Thons are a great way to get students excited about reading while also raising funds to support our school. Instructions on how to activate your child’s personal reader page were distributed to student mailboxes on Monday. This is where you will record your child’s reading progress and collect donations. Prizes will be awarded to the individuals and classes that read the most. We hope EVERYONE participates!!!
Come out and paint a canvas with your child and help support the FRES Art Department. Ms. Allen & Ms. Frere will be leading the attendees through painting a snowy owl on canvas. All supplies will be provided. Come in paint-friendly clothes and bring a smock/old t-shirt to cover up. Cost is $12 per person or 2 for $22. Each additional participant in the same family is $10 each. Proceeds will go directly to the FRES Art Department. Purchase tickets here Paint Night Tickets. Previously purchased tickets are valid for this new date. If you purchased tickets for the January date and cannot attend the new date you may request a refund by contacting Barbara at
PTA MEETING – THURSDAY 3/20 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm
Join us for our March PTA Meeting at 6:30 pm in the media center. There’s a lot happening and we would love your help in planning our spring events including the Health & Wellness Fair, Silent Auction, Spring Carnival, Staff Appreciation Week and Fifth Grade Activities.
The PTA will host a silent auction via Givebacks this year. We are currently seeking donations for the auction. If you would like to help source items for the auction, make a donation or know an individual or business who would be willing to make a donation please contact or 443-300-8463. A sign up for basket donations will be available soon.
This year we will celebrate “Carnival Around the World” on Saturday, May 3rd, combining elements of our annual Culture Fest with our Carnival. If you are interested in helping with the planning of this event please contact
In the Community...
Spring Break Basketball Camp
Check out this new opportunity for a spring break basketball camp.
HCPSS Community News and Programs Site:
In response to community requests for resources, HCPSS’ new Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations. Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at
HC Drug Free Events
Receive HC DrugFree's Free Newsletter: To receive HC DrugFree's free electronic newsletter packed with information for parents and opportunities for students, go to
Stay Informed About What’s Happening in Howard County: Sign up for HC DrugFree’s newsletter at to get updates on events as well as information to keep your family safe and informed.