September 30, 2022 Forest Ridge Forerunner

  • To opt-in to HCPSS Text messages, text "YES" to 67587 from the device on which you would like to receive messages.
  • Be sure to click on the "Calendar" link at the top of our website for important dates throughout the school year.
  • View the breakfast and lunch menus here.  Please keep in mind that items on the menus are subject to availability.

Important Dates
October 3 & 10     Hearing & Vision Screening.  View the flyer.
October 5               Yom Kippur - Schools and Offices Closed
October 5               Flu Vaccine Clinic Registrations due (no late registrations accepted).  View the flyer in English & Spanish

October 11             PTA General Membership Meeting at 7 pm
October 11             Joe Corbi’s Fundraiser Order Forms Due! Last Day to Sell!
October 11             Flu Vaccine Clinic
October 12             6:30 Watch D.O.G.S. Kick-off Ice Cream Social
October 15             Fall Festival at 5:30 pm
October 18             Five Guys in Laurel Restaurant Night Fundraiser from 5 - 9 pm
October 20             2nd Grade Field Trip
October 22             10:00-12:00 Clothing Giveaway at North Laurel Community Center.  View flyer in English.  View flyer in Spanish
October 28             3rd Grade Field Trip

View the HCPSS Calendar in English
View the HCPSS Calendar in Spanish
View the HCPSS Calendar in Korean
View the HCPSS Calendar in Chinese

***Want to receive HCPSS text messages regarding weather-related closing info, late bus info, etc.?  You must opt-in.  Text "YES" to 67587 from the device on which you would like to receive messages.***

Forest Ridge News...

From the Health Room

  • The Howard County Health Department will be conducting Vision and Hearing screenings on Monday October 3rd, and rechecks on Monday October 10th.  These screenings will be for all PreK (vision only), Kindergarten & 1st grade students, as well as specific referrals, and ALL STUDENTS NEW to MD public schools (with no previous screening record).)  Students who wear glasses should bring them to school on the screening dates.  Learn more.
  • Our no-cost flu clinic is on Tuesday October 11th, 2022 for students and staff Online registrations are being accepted now! Please use our school specific link to sign your student up for their flu vaccine:  Registration can be completed on phones, tables, computers, ipads...etc.  It's very simple to do and very helpful in keeping your student healthy this school year.  If there are any questions or concerns, parents can contact the Health Room at 410-888-8811.   Please note, Sign-ups must be completed BY October 5th, 2022

Upcoming MAP Testing in Grades 1-5
Children in grades 1-5 will participate in the administration of Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) testing.  MAP is an untimed computer-adaptive assessment that measures student growth and achievement, independent of grade level or age.  This is but one indicator of your child’s progress, providing us with an additional piece of information about achievement levels and growth in acquiring Reading and Mathematics skills. Classroom teachers will share testing dates for ELA and math. To learn more about about the MAP assessment, click here.

Parent Reminders:

  • Family File must be completed.
  • Before anyone comes to volunteer or chaperone a field trip, they must complete the two trainings here, and return the training certificates to the office.

School Meals
Families are reminded that the federal government has NOT extended waivers allowing free meals for all students. Consequently, for the 2022-2023 school year, students whose families do not qualify for free or reduced lunch will be required to pay the daily meal price

Student Breakfast - $2.00
Student Lunch - $2.80

FARMS Online Application Link:

Please contact the front office if you have any questions or need assistance with applying for the Free and Reduced Meal Program or help with Family File.

From the PTA...Get More PTA Info at

Joe Corbi’s Sales Continue This Week! Order Soon!
A reminder that the favorite selling-fundraiser of the year is going on NOW! Please encourage your child to ask extended family and friends to support Forest Ridge and purchase some delicious food items from Joe Corbi’s! You can use the packet that came with your child last week for instructions to participate; it included a brochure to show the products and an order form. You can also spread the word online by registering to sell online and sharing the brochure via text, email, or social media!  You will need  “Organization ID” 8843 to complete the registration.  We are raising money in order to fund assemblies, field trips, and our community events but the children also have the opportunity to earn rewards for their saleswork! To help them set a personal sales goal and feel motivated about participating, you can view this prize explanation video with them:  Pickup for delivery will be on Thursday, November 17th in time for the Thanksgiving holiday!

Fall Festival Fast-Approaching!
The FRES PTA Fall Festival will take place on Saturday, October 15th beginning at 5:30 pm! Activities, games, and pumpkin decorating will be outdoors or moved into the gym if the weather is uncooperative.  A “spooky hallway” with a Halloween theme will be available at the breezeway for those that would like to participate. Children are invited to wear their costumes! For student tickets or to sign up to volunteer, please visit  We hope you will join the fun!

Volunteer Opportunities!
Do you enjoy helping out and volunteering when you can but can’t make a regular, on-going, big commitment? We have opportunities for you! First, join the FRES PTA to stay up-to-date and connected; visit  to create a PTA account then select your membership (individual or family for two adults) from the “Forms & Payments” section. Then check out the listings already under “Volunteer Signups”!  As a member, you’ll receive an email alert each time a new opportunity is posted.

In the Community...

HCPSS Community News and Programs Site: 
In response to community requests for resources, HCPSS’ new Community News and Programs website makes it easy for families to find educational and recreational resources, events and after-school programs beyond the school day by non-profit organizations.  Community organizations requesting their announcements be shared in school newsletters should visit for more information. Questions should be directed to the Public Information Office at

Howard Lions' Pride Second Annual Craft Fair:  Sunday, November 6th from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Howard High School. Our 100+ vendors will be selling crafts, books, candles, kitchen goods, jewelry, home decor, clothing, accessories, and much more! General Info link:

We are still accepting craft and food truck vendors, so please spread the word and this link:

HC Drug Free Events
Receive HC DrugFree's Free Newsletter: To receive HC DrugFree's free electronic newsletter packed with information for parents and opportunities for students, go to

8th – 12th Grade Students: HC DrugFree's Teen Advisory Council is open to all Howard County students in grades 8 through 12. This is a great opportunity to help prepare younger students for success in high school while allowing older students to develop their leadership and mentoring skills. The registration form is available at . Community service hours available. Email your registration to or mail a hard copy the office. To register for the upcoming meetings on Monday, September 19 or Monday, October 17 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. click on the TAC Registration links next to each date

Medication and Sharps Collection: Clean out your unwanted and expired medicines and sharps!  The next convenient drive-thru collection will be held on Saturday, October 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Wilde Lake Village Center parking lot (near the Swim Center). Community service hours available. HC DrugFree and the Howard County Police invite families, student/adult groups, scout troops, religious organizations, and sports teams, etc. to volunteer to join us. Medically-trained adult volunteers are needed (nurses, EMTs, pharmacists, chiropractors, etc.) to help safely handle the medication and sharps collected. For more information and to volunteer,  visit , contact  or leave a message at 443-325-0040.

Stay Informed about What’s Happening in Howard County: Sign up for HC DrugFree’s newsletter at to get updates on events as well as information to keep your family safe and informed.