Oct. 18, 2019 Forest Ridge Forerunner

10/18/19 Forest Ridge Forerunner

Important Dates:
18  Professional Work Day (No school for students)
18  7:00-9:00 PTA Skate Night, Laurel Roller Skating Center
23  Spirit Night at Savage Library (see link below)
23  Staff  Luncheon during all lunch periods
24  3rd Grade Field Trip
25  7:00 PTA Movie Night
26  7:00-9:00 PTA Halloween Dance
29  9:15 Fall Picture Retakes (see below)
      4:30 to 9:00 Red Hot and Blue PTA Restaurant Night
 1   3-hour early dismissal - End of 1st quarter

Items of Note:

  • Chick-fil-A Spirit Days this year will be on December 11, and March 18.  Proceeds will help to defray the cost of 4th and 5th grade field trips.
  • To receive text messages from FRES or HCPSS, you must opt in.  Please text "YES" to 67587 to receive text messages.

MAP Testing Dates:

Grade 1:  ELA Completed & 10/22 (Math) Grade 2:  Completed Grade 3:  Completed Grade 4:  Completed Grade 5:  Completed

If your child is absent on the day that his/her class tests, a make-up test will be given.  For more information regarding MAP testing, click here.

From Our Administrators...

Dear FRES Community,

Attendance is key for student success!

Research is clear that showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic and social success starting from kindergarten and continuing through high school.  Absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with school or even facing social challenges.

  • Missing 10% (or about 18 days of a school year) can drastically affect a student’s academic success.
  • By the 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that can indicate if a student is at risk for dropping out of high school.
  • In the 9th grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.

Student attendance is a major point of focus for the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Starting in school year 2018-2019, MSDE lowered the chronic absenteeism rate from 20% to 10% which means that at 10% a student should be receiving support and interventions to improve their attendance.

Howard County Public School System (HCPSS) believes that attendance is key for student success. Per Policy 9010, HCPSS defines exemplary attendance as a final attendance rate of 96% or more of the student year.

In support of achieving Exemplary Attendance for all students, we are sharing with you a comprehensive approach for attendance supports and interventions.

  • If a student has missed 5% of their monthly attendance days (as few as 1-2 days a month), parents will receive a Care and Concern Phone Call and letter from their school. This step will allow staff members to coordinate with families to determine how the student can be supported for better attendance.
  • If a student has missed 10% of their monthly attendance days (this is defined as chronic absenteeism by MSDE), parents will receive a 10% Chronic Absenteeism Attendance Letter.  Parents and students may be scheduled for an attendance conference. Other interventions and supports may also be used in an effort to assist the student.
  • If a student has missed 15% of their monthly attendance days, in addition to the interventions and supports at 5% and 10%, these students may require an attendance support plan. Students may also be referred to the Central Attendance Team.
  • If a student has missed 20% of their monthly attendance days, parents will receive a 20% Emergency Chronic Absenteeism Letter or Habitual Truancy Letter.  Students may be referred to Project Attend and may be referred to the State’s Attorney’s Office for habitual truancy.

With the collaborative effort of HCPSS parents, staff and students, we are confident that all students can have successful attendance.  This will improve student success in school and in future life.

Have a great weekend,

Mr. Conroy and Ms. Pazornik

Forest Ridge News...

Watch DOGS
Our Watch DOGS program started this week.  Many thanks to Mr. Collier and Mr. Deleon, who came in this week to serve as our first Watch DOGS for the year!

Spirit Night at Savage Library
October 23rd there will be a Spirit Night at Savage Library!  Learn more

Picture Re-take Day
Picture re-take day will be Tuesday, October 29.  Our original picture day was September 10.  Students new to our school since that date and those who were absent on September 10 will have their picture taken.  Parents may have photos re-taken if they are not happy with the original picture.  If you want your child's picture re-taken, you must return the entire original package of pictures.  For more information, see the flyers below:
Forest Ridge-FALL 2019 Retake Day.pdf 
Fall 2019 Flier-Envelope .pdf

The Great Kindness Challenge, October 28-31
Attention Parents/Guardians:  Information came home this week about "The Great Kindness Challenge," a proactive and positive bullying prevention initiative that improves school climate and increases student engagement.  Here's how we'll celebrate at school:
Monday (28th): Kicking Off Kindness - We will kick off our “Great Kindness Challenge” by wearing mis-match socks and/or shoes.
Tuesday (29th): Kindness Counts - We will show that kindness counts by wearing any clothing with numbers. (Examples: Sports jerseys, old team shirts, shirts with number graphics, etc.)
Wednesday (30th): Dreaming of Kindness - We will dream of kindness and make it our reality by wearing pajamas/comfy clothing to school. 
Thursday (31th): Make Kindness a Pattern - We will pledge to make kindness a pattern this school year by wearing patterned clothing. (Examples: Polk-a-dots, stripes, plaid, etc.)

Spiritwear Sale Has Begun!
Our fall spiritwear sale has begun!  Please take a look here and order online!
Paper order forms will be sent home next week if you can not order online.  All orders due October 31st.

PTA News...

Greetings FRES families!

Join us Friday night (October 18th) at our second Skate Night of the year at Laurel Roller Skating Center on Rt. 1 and Brewers Court.  Skate from 7 - 10pm for $9, which includes skate rental.  Say you’re with FRES to get the special price.  All participants who use the FRES special price must sign a waiver at the door.

We need a lot of volunteers to help decorate the haunted hallway and to volunteer during the Halloween Dance Party next Saturday, October 26th!  If you haven’t had a chance to sign up, it’s not too late!  Check the SignUp Genius for availability.

Last night I attended the Board of Education’s Community Advisory Council meeting where invited speakers Kami Wagner, Coordinator Alternative Programs, and Consuela Robinson, Facilitator of the School Social Work Program, discussed school-based mental health services offered in HCPSS schools.  I learned that HCPSS has partnered with the Howard County Government, the Horizon Foundation, and several mental health service organizations to expand their mental health services from 3 licensed clinicians serving 5 schools to 24 clinicians serving 30 schools!  Next month’s meeting on November 13th at 7pm at the Department of Education Boardroom B (10910 Clarksville Pike, Ellicott City) will feature a presentation by Strong Schools Maryland representative Marijane Monck.  It’s a great opportunity to learn details about how the school system works and play a role in shaping school policy!

While school is out on Friday, we’ll be heading to DC with the girls to squeeze in a visit to the Newseum before they close their doors in January 2020.  Hope you to see you at Skate Night too!

Khaleda Hasan, FRES PTA President

More from the PTA

Teacher Appreciation/Staff Luncheon
A special thank you in advance to all families who signed up to bring goodies for the Staff Appreciation lunch on Wednesday, October 23. All requested donations have been filled through SignUp Genius. Please know the teachers and staff will greatly appreciate them. 

Holiday Shoppe
Thank you to the MANY people who have already responded by signing up to help out with this year's Holiday Shoppe!  We have decided to continue the program this year!!

We do still need more volunteers to fill all the spots to help our little shoppers during their recess times.  Please check the SignUp Genius to see when you can help.  The shoppe will be open Tuesday, December 3rd through Thursday, December 5th during all recess times.  If you have any questions contact Jen Renkevens at vp1@frespta.org.

Movie Night
On Friday, October 25th, from 7 to 9pm in the cafeteria, we will show Coco!  Doors open at 6:45pm.  There is no cost to watch the movie.  Concessions will be sold (hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, candy, water, soda, Gatorade) for $1 each. 

Box Tops Fall Incentive Contest Deadline: October 25
Students will earn a small incentive prize for any Box Tops turned in by Friday, October 25th.  For every 5 Box Tops, your child's name will be placed in a drawing for one of six gift cards to Five Below. (One winner per grade.) Please send unexpired Box Tops in a baggie or envelope clearly labeled with your child's name, grade, and teacher's name, or use any collection sheet.  Any Box Tops sent in so far this school year count toward the contest! Each is worth 10 cents for FRES, and they add up fast!  Visit http://www.btfe.com/ to see products where you can find Box Tops.

New: Download and use the Box Tops app and have it count toward our FRES contests too! Buy Box Tops products and scan your store receipt within 14 days.  To let us know about your digital earnings for our FRES contests, you can now "Give Credit" within the app upon scanning (please include name, teacher, and grade when prompted).  Or you can take a screen shot or forward the email(s) showing earnings to our brand new email account: BoxTops@frespta.org.  Earnings from earlier this school year will count (summer too), so send that information!  Thank you for your support!

Community News...

Howard County families can get free coats, gloves, hats and scarves on two dates:

Daycare Provider in Our District
Christine's Family Daycare

Food Truck Friday Flyers
Attached are the flyers for Food Truck Fridays for October and November:
Emerson Food Truck Fridays -October 2019 Schedule-1.png 
Emerson Food Truck Fridays -November 2019 Schedule.png 
Hammond Homecoming 2019.png

Ralph Waldo Emerson Poetry Award
Check out the flyer here:Poetry Contest Entry Form.pdf