October Kindness
This October into November, I will be visiting classroom's to discuss October’s nation-wide efforts in bullying prevention. In light of this, Forest Ridge Elementary will be participating in The Great Kindness Challenge from October 28th- Nov 1st. This challenge will help us in working toward one of our HCPSS goals of supporting the social and emotional safety and well-being of all students (Outcome 1.7).
Throughout the month of October, we are discussing the importance of kindness and participating in kind acts, knowing that research has reported the following benefits:
Higher reported levels of happiness
Reduced level of stress and anxiety
Physically healthier hearts
Strengthened immune systems
Stronger, healthier relationships
During the last week of October, we will also be running a spirit week that coincides with our school-wide kindness efforts! Please talk to me about the details, encourage my kind acts at home/in the community, and look for more information about our challenge coming home in Thursday folders.
For more information on The Great Kindness Challenge, bullying prevention, and kindness, please feel free to utilize the resources below. Question? Comments? Please contact our school counselor, Mrs. Schuck (alyssa_schuck@hcpss.org). Thanks!
Kid President: How to Change the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z7gDsSKUmU
Children’s Books:
Heartprints, P.K. Hallinan
Have You Filled a Bucket Today?, Carol McCloud
A Sick Day for Amos McGee, Philip C. Stead and Erin E. Stead
The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein
Horton Hears a Who, Dr. Seuss
The Selfish Crocodile, Faustin Charles
Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed, Emily Pearson
Those Shoes, Maribeth Boelts
Last Stop on Market Street, Matt de la Peña