May 24, 2019 Forest Ridge Forerunner

For PTA News, Upcoming Event Dates, Counselor's Corner, and Community News, click here.

Don't forget to check out the Green School section on our home page!

Forest Ridge Forerunner

Important Things to Know:
  • The office phones are answered 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Friday.
  • Students should arrive to school by 9:10 a.m. so that they are able to put their things away and be ready to start the day when the bell rings at 9:15.
  • Students go out for recess when the temperature with wind chill is 20 degrees or more.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather.
  • To get text alerts from FRES or HCPSS, you must opt in to receive those alerts. Text "YES" to 67587 from the cell number that is on file in HCPSS/Connect.
  • If your child's dismissal changes, due to a change in transportation, an after school class, etc., please email the teacher, and copy Dr. Varlack, Ms. Pazornik, Ms. Traini, Mrs. Jackson, and Mrs. Farrell.  All the emails can be found in the "Our Staff" section of our website.  We want to make sure the message is received!
  • Want to get a head start on next year's school suppliesClick here for the list.

From the Office

  • If you are sending money to school for field trips, lost books, etc., please understand that the school does not supply change.  Please write a check or send exact change.  Thank you!
  • Please be mindful when parking in our lot.  There are spaces reserved for our Principal and Assistant Principal.  There are also 15-Minute parking spaces for parents coming in to pick up students. And please don't park in a handicapped parking space without a handicapped sticker or plate.  Thank you!

Important Dates
27  Memorial Day Holiday - Schools and offices closed
30  5th grade Simulated Congressional Hearing
30  School Spirit "Red, White, and Blue Day"  Wear patriotic colors on this day!
31  5th grade field trip to Mt. Vernon
4    Professional Work Day - Schools dismiss 3 hours early
6    2:00 1st Grade Author's Tea
14  10:00 Kindergarten Closing - 2 tickets issued per student
      2:00 5th Grade Closing - 2 tickets issued per student
19, 20, 21 Schools dismiss 3 hours early (dismissal starts at 12:34)
21   Last Day of School!!

Student News...

Congratulations to the following students, who were our Eagle Egg winners this week: 

Naqi H., Genesis H., Lia K., Jana G., Lizzie R., and Jai A.
Great job!

Forest Ridge News...

Last Day of School
The last day of school is now June 21.  The last three days of school, June 19, 20, and 21 are 3-hour early dismissal days.  FRES will dismiss starting at 12:34 p.m.

Plastic Bags in Recycling - Not Accepted
A message from the FRES Green Team and Howard County Department of Environmental Services:

Effective Saturday, June 15, 2019, Howard County’s Department of Public Works’ Bureau of Environmental Services will no longer accept curbside recycling placed out in plastic bags. Items placed out for recycling, should be placed loose in the county assigned recycling bin/cart. Any plastic bagged recyclables will not be collected curbside.

County residents will be receiving a postcard in the mail alerting them of this change.

Plastic bags and plastic film foul machinery, getting wrapped around recycling equipment and jamming the screens. Small plastic fragments also become air- and water-borne litter. Due to these factors, our contracted processor is no longer accepting recycling in plastic bags. The regional marketplace has contributed to this change.

In addition, the Alpha Ridge Landfill Residents' Convenience Center will no longer accept items for recycling bagged in plastic. If you choose to transport your items in a plastic bag, please empty your items into the recycling compactor and take the bag with you.

County residents who wish to recycle their clean plastic bags and film may do so at participating local grocery stores, big box stores and other retailers who have collection bins set up, normally inside the store’s front entrance.

Girls On The Run Community Service Project

Every session of GOTR, our runners come up with a project to better serve our community.  This session, our runners have decided to have a canned food drive to help Grassroots.  We are asking for donation of non-perishable canned foods to be donated towards this cause. Each grade level pod area will have a decorated box where the donations can be placed. Our drive will run from May 28th-June 13th.  Thank you for your support. 

Watch DOGS
Our Watch DOGS dads this week were Mr. Krason, Mr. Nyers, Mr. Peters, Mr. Renkevens, and Mr. Wands.  Thank you so much!

From Howard County Recreation and Parks:
For Complete information on Before & After School classes, including how to Register, please go to

Space Telescope Science Institute Summer Events
The Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore will present "Family Night at the Institute" summer events to promote STEM in the community.  Learn more.