Forest Ridge Forerunner - Back-to-School Edition

Important Dates
30   4:00-5:00 "New to FRES" Student Orientation for grades 1-5
31   11:00-2:00 Medication Drop-off

       12:00-1:30 Kindergarten Orientation
       1:30-3:00 Open House for grades 1-5
4     Labor Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
5     1st Day of 2017-18 School Year!
8     Individual Picture Day (see below)
18   6:30-8:00 K-1-2 Back to School Night for Parents
19   6:30-8:00 3-4-5 Back to School Night for Parents

Forest Ridge News and Events...

Hello and welcome back to another year at FRES!

We look forward to seeing you soon!  Please read the following important information.

Documents for Registration
Have you been notified that we still need some documents for registration?  We need them to complete the registration.  Otherwise, your child may not start school on September 5.  The office will be open tomorrow, so you can drop them off before or after your visit.

Please remember to update your child's emergency card!  Follow this link for more information on logging in and using HCPSS Connect.
If you complete the Family File you will be able to see your child's homeroom teacher.  This is especially helpful if you cannot attend the Open House.

NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION- All students, (GRADES 1-5) NEW to Forest Ridge are invited to attend the New Student Orientation scheduled for Wednesday, August 30th beginning at 4:00 PM. Parents and students will get to tour a building and hear interesting information about the forthcoming school year.

KINDERGARTEN  ORIENTATION- Kindergarten Orientation will occur on Thursday, August 31st beginning at 12:00 PM. Our new Kindergarteners will have the opportunity to meet the teachers and visit their possible classroom. Parents will learn about their child’s first steps on the path to college and careers.

CLASS LISTS  - Due to safety and confidentiality, we will not post any class lists. Please be reminded that developing class lists is a very challenging endeavor. Each year we work hard to establish classes that are balanced, taking into account student gender, academic levels and behaviors. Some classroom adjustments may have to occur after the beginning of the year due to student growth. We promise to ensure that each child is appropriately challenged. Classroom assignments will be received when you arrive for the Open House. Simply come into the gym and find your grade level table, present the postcard that was mailed to you, and receive your child’s homeroom placement. Please also note that if you update your Family File, you will be able to see your child's homeroom teacher.

PARENT SKILLS SURVEY  Each year we ask for our parents’ support in completing this skills survey. The survey asks information about what skill set or tools you might have as well as what your availability is to assist us in the case of an emergency. Your responses are maintained in a confidential manner with the school. Forest Ridge is located near major highways and is geographically close to the DC metro area. In the case of floods, accidents, or more, we need to be able to respond to that event and maintain a safety focus on our students and staff. Please partner with us and complete the survey by following the link. Thank you in advance.


HEALTH ROOM INFO AND MEDICATION FOR STUDENTS - Any medication, over-the-counter or prescription, must be accompanied by a physician’s order. Parents must deliver any medication to the Health room because children are not allowed to bring drugs or medicines onto school premises. You may drop off medication any time during regular office hours. If you know your child will likely need over the counter medication like cough drops, lotion, lip balm, Benadryl or Tylenol, August 21st is the IDEAL time to drop it off.  If a student comes to the health room when feeling ill, we have ice and bandages.  If your child needs more, we will certainly give you a call.  We also call home for every head bump.

Our Health Room is also the place where students are able to get a change of clothing when needed. We have a limited supply so if your child has accidents, you might want to pack an extra set of clothes in the backpack and let your child know how to access them.  Accidents are not uncommon during the first weeks of school.  Sometimes learning is so exciting that younger students especially just forget to go to the restroom until it's too late.  One thing parents can do to help is make sure that kids can easily and independently get in and out of clothing.  Sometimes the cute new outfits are a bit tricky.  We welcome donations of new pants, tee-shirts, or new underclothes for our Health Room.

Picture Day
Picture Day is Friday, September 8.  All students will be photographed.  Parents can place pre-orders on line, or send money with their children on September 8. View instructions for pre-ordering 
The picture flyer is attached here: School Pictures- Fall 2017 Flier.pdf

Free & Reduced Lunch
For information on how to apply for free or reduced lunch, please follow this link:

Counselor's Corner
Mrs. Schuck, our new Guidence Counselor, will be posting messages on a new addition to our website called  "Counselor's Corner."  Items will include monthly theme, lessons being taught in certain grades, any "items to look forward to," Student Leaders updates, and Prize Patrol winners.  Visit Counselor's Corner.

PTA News...

Learn more from the PTA President and about PTA Happenings

Community News for Parents