4/7/17 Forest Ridge Forerunner

Important Dates

10-17 Spring Break
18 Staff and students return
25 Walk to School Day, rain or shine
26 6:30 Band and Strings Spring Concert @ Hammond High School
28 School Spirit Day, "Work-out Day"

9  Rescheduled Class Picture Day
16 Field Day
23 Field Day rain date

Forest Ridge News and Events

Student Art Exhibit at Columbia Mall Starts April 4th
The 46th Annual Spring Student Art Exhibition is being held at the Mall in Columbia through April 20 at 3:00 p.m.  Come and check out artwork done by many of our talented students!

Walk to School Event
Keep an eye out for information coming home about our spring Walk to School on Tuesday, April 25th.  Any student who wishes to walk from Savage Library must be signed in by an adult at the library parking lot between 8:40 and 8:50 am.  Students may walk from any neighborhood, not just the Savage Library.

Spring Orchestra Concert
Hi Orchestra parents/families, our spring concert is coming up, so below are a few details for the event. Please make sure your calendar is marked with the correct date, time, and location. A detailed letter with all of the concert information will be distributed to students before spring break. Thanks!!!!

WHEN: Wednesday, April 26th 6:30pm 
WHERE: Evening concert is at Hammond High School
TIME: Student report time is between 6:00pm-6:15pm

Spring Testing Schedule
Students in grades 1 - 5 will be testing throughout the next few months. Grades 1 and 2 will take the MAP assessment for reading and math. Grades 3, 4 and 5 will take the MAP assessment and the PARCC assessment for reading and math.  Please take a look at the testing schedule (revised schedule is in the 4/21/17 Forerunner). All assessments will be online and will mainly occur in the morning. Testing is spaced out so that there is minimal impact to instruction. For specific testing times please contact your child's homeroom teacher. Thank you.

PTA News...

From the President

Hello Families,

I am sure I am not alone when I say I am SO ready for Spring Break! I am looking forward to spending the upcoming week with my girls and trying to slow down a little.

Learn more from the PTA President and about PTA Happenings

Community News for Parents

Daycare Provider in our District
Jigna Bhatt (Just Like Mom Daycare)
Loving and caring, just like mom
Licensed day care in Stone Lake community
Care available for toddler
Lic# 16-0504

Reservoir High School Boosters Sports Camp
Come out to Reservoir High School for sports camp the week of July 17-21.  The camp is designed for rising 2nd-9th graders and features different sports everyday.  Last year we played: flag football, soccer, capture the football, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, tennis, modified softball, team handball, scooter games and many many others.  The camp is designed so that each sport/activity lasts roughly 1 hour, so campers will have the opportunity to play many different sports each day.  Phil Ranker runs the camp and teaches Physical Education at Lime Kiln middle school.  He has coached multiple sports at the high school level (currently girls soccer at Reservoir HS, previously lacrosse and basketball).  Please visit http://rankerssportscamp.weebly.com/ or email phillip_ranker@hcpss.org for any questions.