4/21/17 Forest Ridge Forerunner

Important Dates

25 Walk to School Day, rain or shine
26 6:30 Spring Orchestra Concert @ Hammond High School (Participants report between 6:00 and 6:15)
26 7:30 Spring Band Concert @ Hammond High School (Participants report at 6:45)
28 School Spirit Day, "Work-out Day"

1-5 Teacher Appreciation Week
9  Rescheduled Class Picture Day
16 Field Day
17 5th Grade Panoramic Picture
23 Field Day rain date

Forest Ridge News and Events

Walk to School Event
Walk to School is on Tuesday, April 25th.  Any student who wishes to walk from Savage Library must be signed in by an adult at the library parking lot between 8:40 and 8:50 am.  Students may walk from any neighborhood, not just the Savage Library.

Spring Orchestra Concert
Hi Orchestra parents/families, our spring concert is coming up, so below are a few details for the event. Please make sure your calendar is marked with the correct date, time, and location. A detailed letter with all of the concert information will be distributed to students before spring break. Thanks!!!!

WHEN: Wednesday, April 26th 6:30pm 
WHERE: Evening concert is at Hammond High School
TIME: Student report time is between 6:00pm-6:15pm

Spring Band Concert The spring band concert is on Wednesday, April 26th at 7:30pm in the Hammond High School Auditorium. A letter with all of the concert information was distributed to band students and emailed to band families before spring break. Band students should report to the Hammond High School Band room at 6:45pm. See you there! 

Green School
We have been recertified as a Green School! Kudos to all who helped with the application!

5th Grade Simulated Congressional Hearing (SCH)
The Fifth Grade Team is looking for judges for their Simulated Congressional Hearing (SCH) on Wednesday, May 24th.  During SCH students will assume the role of constitutional experts. The students will present prepared oral testimony before a panel of simulated congressional committee members (“judges”).  Training will be provided the morning of the 24th.  This opportunity is open to all community members, especially those with a connection to our local or national government.  If you would like to be a judge, please sign up using the link: https://events.membersolutions.com/event_register.asp?content_id=65754
or contact Mrs. Azzarello at melissa_azzarello@hcpss.org.  Thank you!

Green School Supports the FRES Carnival
While visiting the FRES Carnival on May 6th, please look for the Green School Booth. Participate in a Scavenger Hunt and find out all the ways FRES strives to be a Green School! Explore nature at our “Touch and Feel” table! Check out our Recycled Crafts activities and find out how to turn an old t-shirt into a tote bag! If you have an old t-shirt, bring it with you. Join us for fun and adventure at the FRES Carnival!

Spring Testing Schedule (Revised from 4/7/17 Schedule)
Hello FRES Families,
Students in grades 1 - 5 will be testing throughout the next few weeks. Grades 1 and 2 will take the MAP assessment for reading and math. Grades 3, 4 and 5 will take the MAP assessment and the PARCC assessment for reading and math. The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is an assessment to measure student achievement in English Language Arts and Mathematics for grades 3-8 and high school. The PARCC tests are designed to match the Maryland College and Career-Ready Standards.  In contrast to other assessments, the PARCC is an extension to regular instruction, because students experience engaging, real-life texts and solve meaningful problems based on high-quality classroom work. PARCC assessments are designed for online administration, will mainly occur in the morning and are given in 1-1.5 hour units. Please take a look at the testing schedule below.Testing has been spaced out so that there is minimal impact on instruction. For specific testing times please contact your child's homeroom teacher. As you plan for spring doctor appointments and other events that may cause absences,  we ask you to please keep these dates in mind and not schedule any time away from school during testing. Thank you.

PTA News...

From the President

Hi Parents,

WOW!!! The Spring Auction is in FULL swing. Don't let it pass you by! There are SO MANY amazing teacher experiences to bid on, as well as donations from local businesses.

Learn more from the PTA President and about PTA Happenings

Community News for Parents

Reservoir High School Boosters Sports Camp
Come out to Reservoir High School for sports camp the week of July 17-21.  The camp is designed for rising 2nd-9th graders and features different sports everyday.  Last year we played: flag football, soccer, capture the football, basketball, volleyball, floor hockey, tennis, modified softball, team handball, scooter games and many many others.  The camp is designed so that each sport/activity lasts roughly 1 hour, so campers will have the opportunity to play many different sports each day.  Phil Ranker runs the camp and teaches Physical Education at Lime Kiln middle school.  He has coached multiple sports at the high school level (currently girls soccer at Reservoir HS, previously lacrosse and basketball).  Please visit http://rankerssportscamp.weebly.com/ or email phillip_ranker@hcpss.org for any questions.

HCPSS G/T Summer Institutes for Talent Development
Looking for an engaging learning experience for your children this summer?  The HCPSS G/T Summer Institutes for Talent Development still has a few spots remaining in the following courses:

Session I: June 26-July 7

  1. Building, Forming, and Inventing: Work in Clay and All Things 3-D (Students entering grades 3-5)
  2. Code Crackers: Unlocking Mathematical Secrets (Students entering grades 4 and 5)
  3. Mystery Writing Get a Clue (Students entering grades 4 and 5)
  4. 3, 2, 1, Blast Off into Outer Space (Students entering grades 4 and 5)
  5. The Painter's Studio (Students entering grades 4-6)

Session II: July 10-21

  1. Around the World: Exploring Far-Away Lands (Students entering grades 1 and 2)
  2. Drawing and Painting (Students entering grades 1 and 2)
  3. Construct and Sculpt (Students entering grades 1 and 2)
  4. Talking Tangrams: Integrating Geometry and Writing (Students entering grades 2 and 3)
  5. Totally Mad About Science (Students entering grades 3 and 4)
  6. Building, Forming, and Inventing: Work in Clay and All Things 3-D (Students entering grades 3-5)
  7. The Painter's Studio (Students entering grades 4-6)

    The registration forms can be found at http://www.hcpss.org/f/summer/gt-summer-course-catalog.pdf

Registration Deadline: May 2nd.