Important Dates
7 - Professional Learning Day - Schools closed for students
8 - General Election Day - Schools and offices closed
9 - Fire Safety House Assembly - 2nd Grade
21-Schools close 3 hours early for Parent/Teacher Conferences
22-Schools close 3 hours early for Parent/Teacher Conferences
23-Schools closed for Parent/Teacher Conferences
24-25 Thanksgiving Holiday - Schools and Offices Closed
Forest Ridge News and Events
Thanksgiving Food Drive!
FRES will be collecting non-perishable food to provide for families in our community from November 1st thru November 11th. Each grade will have certain food items to collect. The grade that collects the most items will receive extra recess. A box will be located in each grades area.
Here is a list of the items we need:
Kindergarten – Stuffing and Instant Potatoes
First Grade – Mac & Cheese
Second Grade – Cranberry Sauce
Third Grade - Canned Yams/Sweet Potatoes
Fourth Grade – Canned Corn and Canned Peas
Fifth Grade – Canned Green Beans and Jar/Cans of Gravy
Please check with your teacher where the box for your grade is located.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer at
From the Media Center
Our Book-aneer Fair is coming our way from November 14th-November 22nd. Parents are invited to come browse the book fair anytime during school hours, during parent conferences on Mon & Tues, and during our Family Event on Friday, Nov 18 from 5-7:30 PM. Please remember not to send money in until you review your student's full page wishlist that they fill out on their media day.
If you are interested in Volunteering during the Book Fair click here:
Thank you for encouraging your child to read.
We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you at the Book Fair!
From the FRES Wellness Committee
Our first FIT Family Night was a great success! We had just over 200 people participate! Thank you to all the families who came last night to work out with us. We would also like to thank our staff and Towson interns, administration, Mrs. Jen Renkevens, Ms. Leah Porritt, and the PTA for their support in putting together such a fun evening--we really couldn't have done it without them! We would also like to recognize vendors from our community who supported us with their time and donations for last night's event: Fit2Order and the activity instructors, Howard County Library, Power Fit LLC, D.A.R.E. in Life Coaching, Kids First Swim School Laurel, Mrs. Kathy Woodward, Howard County Hospital, Wegmans, Whole Foods, Weis, Chick-Fil-A, and the University of Maryland College Park. Lastly, if you have not completed the survey already, we would greatly appreciate your feedback.
Federal Impact Aid Survey
The Federal Impact Aid Survey will go home on Tuesday, November 1. Please return the form if you work on federal property.