Important Dates
14-18 American Education Week! Parents welcome!
14-22 Book Fair in the Media Center
21-Schools close 3 hours early for Parent/Teacher Conferences
22-Schools close 3 hours early for Parent/Teacher Conferences
23-Schools closed for Parent/Teacher Conferences
24-25 Thanksgiving Holiday - Schools and Offices Closed
Forest Ridge News and Events
American Education Week
Parents, next week is the only week of the school year that you can sign in and visit your child's classroom without advance notification! Please feel free to come to school November 14-18 and see all the wonderful learning that goes on each and every day here at FRES. You can stop by the Book Fair, too!
From the Media Center
Our Book-aneer Fair is coming our way from November 14th-November 22nd. Parents are invited to come browse the book fair anytime during school hours, during parent conferences on Mon & Tues, and during our Family Event on Friday, Nov 18 from 5-7:30 PM. Please remember not to send money in until you review your student's full page wishlist that they fill out on their media day.
If you are interested in Volunteering during the Book Fair click here:
Thank you for encouraging your child to read.
We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you at the Book Fair!
Federal Impact Aid Survey
The Federal Impact Aid Survey will go home on Tuesday, November 1. Please return the form by November 18 if you work on federal property.
Announcement Today to Students
Parents, today we made this announcement to students. It was sent to us by HCPSS to address student concerns about this week's election:
Tuesday’s presidential election has caused strong feelings for many people. Some are happy, some are worried and others are scared. Emotions are never wrong and no matter how you feel or how the adults who love you feel. I want you to know that our school is a safe place for you. We care about you and one of our main jobs is to keep you safe. This is a school where no one should be teased or bullied because of who they wanted to be president. If you see this happening, please tell an adult so we can help.
Our social studies curriculum teaches about the democratic process and what it means to be a United States citizen. One of our most important rights and responsibilities is the right to vote and millions of Americans voted on Tuesday in a peaceful and respectful way. As we move forward, I know that our country will continue to be one where there is “liberty and justice for all”.
PTA News...
Happy Veteran's Day!
First—thank you to all of you out there, men and women, who are veterans of our AMAZING country! Thank you for the sacrifices you have made for all of our sakes by being in the military and serving our country on our behalf! We can never repay you!!
Thanks to everyone who came out to our first ever Cava Grill Spirit night. I was only able to be there for a short time, but I heard there were several families there throughout the night.
Learn more from the PTA President and about PTA Happenings!
Community News for Parents
Please visit the Community News and Programs page at for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.