PTA News & Events

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PTA News

Upcoming Events and Dates

29 FRES Day at the Lady Terps Basketball

3 Skate Night
7 PTA Meeting

More PTA-Sponsored After School Programs – Don’t Wait! Sign Up!
Registration is still under way for three winter/spring after school classes. Please don’t hesitate! Sign up quickly if you don’t want to miss out. Classes with low enrollment will be canceled. We must have a parent volunteer to run the class. If you’re interested in being a parent volunteer and can attend every class, please email Volunteers earn free tuition for their child!

Chess Club - All Grades (Mondays) Feb. 6 - May 1
Chess club is taught by experienced Silver Knights instructors using a curriculum developed by National Masters. Each weekly session is a mix of learning and play. Playing chess is a great way to develop a child’s critical thinking skills, sportsmanship and patience — all while having fun! Class meets every Monday school is open. Cost is $140 for the session. Register online now!

Little Scholars Whiz Kids – Grades K-2 (Tuesdays) March 28 – May 23
Join us on a science discovery mission! We will explore the world of science through everyday objects, experiments and encounters. This program will enhance STEM education philosophies with a big punch of fun. Physics, biology, chemistry, geology, astronomy and zoology will all be covered in the Whiz Kids program. Cost is $103 for the 8-week session. To register, visit

Spanish – Grades K-3 (Thursdays) Feb. 13 – April 4
Learn Spanish in a fun, casual environment! Students will develop listening, speaking reading, writing and comprehensions skills through games, music, art and informal conversation. Classes have rotating curriculums, so students continue to be challenged all year long. First or fourth time? All are welcome to join! Register by Feb. 8! Visit: Or, call ISL at (301) 312-8847 to register by phone.

Important Yearbook News!
The PTA yearbook co-chairs are asking you  – the faculty, staff and parents of FRES – for help contributing pictures and your time! Our goal is to include more students and celebrate the amazing community you all share with our students. Teachers and staff – if you have taken pictures in the classroom, field trips or other special events please share them! The kids and parents will enjoy seeing the school from “behind the scenes”. Parents you are also encouraged to share your pictures too! There are several options to make sharing easy for everyone.

  • Upload the pictures from your phone using the Herff Jones eShare mobile app. (enter the school code “fres21132”); only Mrs. Traini and Mrs. Jackson are authorized to access the pictures on eShare;
  • Upload the pictures from your computer via the link: (enter the school code “fres21132”); only Mrs. Traini and Mrs. Jackson are authorized to access the pictures on eShare.
  • Pictures are DUE by COB, Friday, February 24th, 2017.

Teachers & Staff - If you would like to help design the yearbook, the yearbook committee would appreciate it! If teachers from a department or grade want to work together to design their section, the PTA would be most grateful! Please email Emilia Ventura ( to inform her of your desire to work on the yearbook.

Parents - New HCPSS privacy policy regarding the school yearbook prohibit PTA volunteers from working on the yearbook website from their homes (must be done at school, on school computers). Parents, if you would like to help design the yearbook on the school’s premises during normal school hours, the yearbook committee would appreciate your help! Volunteers would need to complete volunteer training and coordinate the time with Mrs. Traini or Mrs. Jackson. You can email for more details.

Box Tops - Spring Contest to be Announced in February
Please keep clipping! Any Box Tops received after Oct. 25, 2016, will be counted toward a spring contest. Please place Box Tops in a baggie or envelope with Student Name, Grade, and Teacher's name clearly marked on front. Submit anytime in the box in front of the office, or give to your child's teacher. Visit to see where you can find Box Tops. Each is worth 10 cents for FRES!

Harris Teeter's Together in Education (TIE) Program - It's Not Too Late!
It's not too late to help our school earn money by linking your Harris Teeter VIC card to Forest Ridge! Check the bottom of your Harris Teeter receipt to see if you are signed up. Accounts must be re-linked each school year. We typically have 25 families participating, generating about $300/year (goes directly to the school). This year, we have 19 families so far. Two ways to sign up: Visit and link your account to FRES (TIE #7900). Or, on your next shopping trip, tell the cashier/service desk that you would like to link to FRES (TIE #7900). Thank you for your support!

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Join the PTA. It’s Not Too Late! – Your membership in the PTA helps fund numerous programs, activities and events at school. Your support is vital. Visit to join now!

Did You Get the Last Issue of FRES PTA News? You can read it here!
Issue #8 – 1/6/17:
Issue #7 – 12/12/16:
Issue #6 – 11/28/16:
Issue #5 – 11/14/16:
Issue #4 – 10/31/16:
Issue #3 – 10/17/16:
Issue #2 – 10/3/16:
Issue #1 – 9/16/16:
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