August 14, 2020 Forest Ridge Forerunner

Fri, 08/14/2020 - 3:18pm

Dear FRES Community, 

We would like to welcome back our returning families and extend a warm welcome to our families who are new to Forest Ridge Elementary.  We hope your family has had a healthy and safe summer.  We also hope you can enjoy the remaining few weeks of summer vacation with some fun family activities.

Our Forest Ridge staff has had a great summer but we are getting very excited to start the 2020-2021 school year.  We hope your children are getting excited to connect with their teachers, friends, and other school staff.

The Forest Ridge Forerunner will be sent each Friday afternoon. This edition has information that we believe will be helpful to you as you prepare for the start of the school year.  Additional information with more specific details about the school year will be shared as we get closer to September.  In the meantime, our Forest Ridge website also contains information about the school year. 

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Principal, Mr. Scott Conroy

Assistant Principal, Ms. Ivye Pazornik 

Principal's Secretary, Ms. Christin Traini 

Teachers' Secretary (Registration)  Mrs. Rebecca Jackson 

Teachers' Secretary Ms. Chantel Williams 

Counselor, Ms. Alyssa Schuck 

Important Upcoming Dates

Thursday, August 20:   Kindergarten Virtual Meet and Greet     

  • Last names beginning with letters A-F will meet from 6:00-6:15

  • Last names beginning with letters G-M will meet from 6:30-6:45

  • Last names beginning with letters N-S will meet from 7:00-7:15

  • Last names beginning with letters T-Z will meet from 7:30-7:45

Friday, August 21:    Kindergarten Parent Tech Sessions (9:00 or 1:00)

Tuesday, August 25:   Teachers and Staff Return (Virtually)

September 1-3:   Student pick up and drop off (see below for more information)

Friday, September 4:   Virtual Open House and Information Sessions

  • RECC/Pre-K & Kindergarten: 9:00-9:50 am

  • 1st Grade: 10:00-10:50 am

  • 2nd Grade: 11:00-11:50 am

  • 3rd Grade: 12:00-12:50 pm

  • 4th Grade: 1:00-1:50 pm

  • 5th Grade: 2:00-2:50 pm

                  ** Links will be shared closer to the date**

Tuesday, September 8:   K-5 First Day of Virtual School

Thursday, September 10: PreK and Preschool First Day of Virtual School

Kindergarten Meet and Greet
We are beyond excited for the beginning of the school year! As we eagerly await the first day of school, we are planning a “Kindergarten Virtual Meet and Greet” so that the teachers, school administrators, and our Kindergarten friends can meet. During this time, we will begin to get to know each other by sharing our names and our favorite stuffed animals. So be sure to bring your favorite stuffed animal along with you to our virtual meeting!  (See information above for schedule)

Virtual Open House on September 4th
Forest Ridge Elementary will hold a Virtual Open House on September 4th.  Grade levels will meet at scheduled times throughout the day for a brief team orientation and opportunity for students to meet their teacher. (Schedule above)

Pick up and Drop off  - Save the Date
On September 1 - 3rd, families will come to Forest Ridge to pick up school pictures from the spring, if they haven't already been picked up. Chromebooks and other supplies for virtual learning will also be available for pick-up.  A schedule for pick-up and drop off will be provided at the end of August.  The pick-up will take place outside of school in the bus loop following social distancing and other safety guidelines.

Families should plan to bring media library books, classroom library books, GT textbooks, and musical instruments that belong to Forest RIdge (as long as the student is not playing the instrument at Forest RIdge this school year) when they come to the school. 

Family File
Every year HCPSS parents must complete a Family File for each child. HCPSS utilizes Family File for parents/guardians to complete emergency information. Parents/guardians must verify and/or update information for each child, and can do so by logging in to HCPSS Connect and selecting the Family File tab on the left and then clicking on Family File.

Once logged in, you will be asked to update or provide the following information:

  •  Student Information

  •  Parent/Guardian Contact

  •  Emergency Contacts

  •  Medical Information

  •  Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

  •  Photo Approval

  •  Data Confidentiality

  •  PTA/PTSA Directory

Please note if a parent completed the Family File prior to August 10th, the information entered will be attached to the 2019-2020 school year and the Family File will be considered incomplete. Also, parents new to HCPSS in 2020-2021 will not have access to their children in HCPSS Connect until August 10th.

HCPSS Reopening Plan with Student Schedules
The HCPSS Reopening Plan is available online.  This plan includes student schedules as well as other information about virtual learning.

Information and Application for Free and Reduced Meals
HCPSS participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs which provide families with significant benefits to help save money. Qualification is based on family size and income, and enrollment is confidential. All children in households receiving benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can get free meals regardless of income, and students from households that meet federal income guidelines are eligible to receive free or reduced-price meals.  If financial circumstances have changed for your family due to Covid-19, please check to see if you are eligible to participate in the Free and Reduced Meals program.

Families currently eligible must submit a new application each year.

For more information and to apply on-line.  Click here.

The HCPSS website provides a list of the benefits provided to children who are eligible for FARMs.

Current # of Forest Ridge Classes

Kindergarten: 5 classes
1st Grade: 6 classes
2nd grade: 5 classes
3rd grade: 4 classes
4th grade: 5 classes
5th grade: 4 classes

Introducing Teachers New to Forest Ridge

Ms. Camille Washington (FT Reading Specialist) – Ms. Washington joins our FRES staff after previously teaching at Bollman Bridge Elementary School.

Ms. Dina Barrett (PT Reading Specialist) –  Ms. Barrett will be joining our staff from Elkridge Elementary.

Ms. Amanda Williams (1.0 PE Teacher) – Mrs. Williams joins us from Fulton Elementary.  

Ms. Lisa Gerber – Mrs. Gerber will be our PM Pre-K Teacher and is coming from Bollman Bridge Elementary.  

Ms. Tricia Walls – Mrs. Walls will be our full day PreschoolTeacher and is coming from Bollman Bridge Elementary. 

We are still in the process of hiring a fourth grade teacher and a PT Art teacher.

Current Forest Ridge Teachers Transitioning to New Roles Within FRES

Mrs. Melissa Azzarello (FT Reading Specialist)  – Mrs. Azzarello will be transitioning from 3rd grade Team Leader to our full time Reading Specialist.  

Ms. Amber Taylor (3rd Grade Team Leader) – Ms. Taylor will transition from 4th grade to 3rd grade, a grade level she previously taught.  Ms. Taylor will also become our Team Leader in third grade.  

Mrs. Sarah Ports (4th Grade Teacher) – Mrs. Ports will transition from 5th grade to 4th grade, a grade level where she previously taught.  

Ms. Megan O’Neill (1st Grade Teacher) – Mrs. O’Neill will transition from Kindergarten to 1st grade, a grade level where she previously taught.  

Mr. Mark Morrison (Paraeducator) - Mr. Morrison will transition from a Student Assistant to a Paraeduator.  

We hope you have a wonderful week!