Important Dates
26 End of 2nd quarter -- Dismissal starts at 12:35
31 Tampico Grill fundraiser all day to benefit 5th grade trip to Mt. Vernon - tell them you're with FRES!
5 Report Cards issued
6 6:15-7:00 "Digital Citizenship" presentation by FRES Admin and Media/Tech teachers (prior to PTA meeting)
6 7:00 PTA Meeting
7 6:30 Grade 4 Math Parent Night
13 Chick-fil-A fundraiser at Johns Hopkins Road location
15 6:30 Science Fair
16 Professional Work Day - No school for students
5-9 Registration for Kindergarten and First Graders New to FRES
Forest Ridge News and Events...
This year's FRES Spirit Days:
Dress Like a Teacher Day FEBRUARY 23rd
FRES School Spirit Day MARCH 16th
Mix and Match/Inside Out Day APRIL 27th
Pajama Day MAY 17th
Simulated Congressional Hearing Day for 5th grade (Red White and Blue) May 23
From the Office and Cafeteria
If you received a notice about money owed for lunches, please pay the bill as soon as possible. Thank you!
From the PE Department - Hoops for Heart Information
If your child wants to get involved and win some cool prizes, check out our school website below to see how to donate online. You can also see our progress! The event takes place February 5th-9th during PE, with February 9th being the last day to turn in donations. Thank you so much to all that have participated so far!
Save the Date!
April 20 will be our 25th anniversary celebration! Stay tuned for more information.
PTA News...
Link to News from the PTA President and about PTA Happenings
Community News for Parents
Is your child age 8-10 and interested in being part of the largest, long-term study on child development in the U.S.? Click here for the flyer.
Please visit the Community News and Programs page at: for announcements of upcoming events and programs sponsored by non-profit organizations.
Please note: If the links don't work, simply copy and paste the URL into your browser.
Kennedy Krieger Institute may be able to help with your child's behavior problems. Click here for more information.